Thursday, September 18, 2008

Divorce Posture

I somehow became involved in the following conversation while covering a yoga class (yes, we have a yoga class; for senior girls). It was never the students' intention to involve me in the conversation, but by virtue of being present for it, I became involved:

S (mid-sentence):
"...always asking me if I'm sad that my parents are divorced. I'm fine; that sad stuff is for white kids!".

Awkward pause...

K: "Sorry Mr. F..."

Mr. F: "Don't worry, I'm not a white kid. I'm a white adult."

Awkward pause...

Mr. F: "And besides, my parents divorced, and I was fine with it. It just meant twice the number of presents at Christmas time."

S: "Mista, I'm BLACK. I'm gettin' the same number of damn presents no matter how divorced my parents are!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you had ended that post at "while covering yoga class" it still would've been the funniest thing I've heard this week.