Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You blue it

Covering a seventh grade class that is not music may perhaps be my punishment for some great evil in a past life, so it only fair that I take every opportunity to win battles wherever I can. The following story documents such a victory:

In a seventh grade math class, M, a student who was in music for about 1 week earlier in the year, gives me a hard time. I have gotten into the habit of telling M that he should relish his time in seventh grade because it is likely to be the coolest that he'll ever be, and that it's all downhill from here. An exchange of this sort occurred in this particular class, and then...

M: You're not even cool! You look like Steve from Blues Clues!"

Mr. F: "Why are you watching Blues Clues? That's not very cool."

M: "Hey Steve! Everybody look, it's Steve!"

At this point, some other students begin to join in the fun. Over the din of seventh grade mayhem, I hear calls of "Steve!" and "Blues Clues!"

M: "Hey look, Steve! I found a clue!" (points to a blue paw print drawn on the board)

During the ensuing laughter, I erase the paw print and draw a blue 55.

Mr. F "Hey, M. I think the clue was for you. It's your final average for the year!"


Cruel? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is the funniest thing i've read this week, well done.


Ps you’re a hero for asshole and downtrodden teachers everywhere.