Wednesday, May 21, 2008


My advisory group, who provide a significant portion of my blog material, was asked to fill out a goal sheet. This sheet included questions about their end of the year goals, such as "What do you want to accomplish before the end of the May?", "How do you intend to reach your goal?", and "What has gotten in the way of your goal so far?". Most of the students wrote, in my opinion, admirable goals. Take A, for instance:

What do you want to accomplish before the end of May?
I don't want no more detentions.

How do you intend to reach your goal?
Do good in school. And listen to the teacher. And not talk alot. And not hit anybody.

What has gotten in the way of your goal so far?
I talk and hit and don't listen.

Both insightful and honest. Now take R...

What do you want to accomplish before the end of May?
I want to beat Guitar Hero 3 on expert.

How do you intend to reach your goal?
Play alot.

What has gotten in the way of your goal so far?
School got in the way.

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